คุณครูท่านนี้สามารถสอนคุณแบบออนไลน์ได้ คุณครูสอนผ่านวิดีโอคอลบนมือถือหรือคอมพิวเตอร์ของนักเรียน


Certificate & Education :

➤ Bachelor's degree in Film Production, Faculty of Mass Communication Technology,
Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi
➤ TOEIC score: 425

➤ Teaching Thai for Foreigners Training Certificate, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Mahidol University

➤ Teaching Thai for Foreigners Training Certificate, Sumaa Language and Culture Institute

➤ Participatory Learning Process Training Certificate, Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies,
Mahidol University

Working Experience

➤ Ordained as a monk in Theravada Buddhism for 4 years.
➤ Coordinator for Priest and layperson’s health project

➤ Facilitator for the culture & language exchange project of Sleeping Bag Teacher foundation.
Teaching Experience
2018 - 2024 (6 years)

➤Theatre of the Oppressed Facilitator
2018 - present (6 years)

Previous teaching cases
➤ Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd.
➤ Asia Magnetic Winding Co., Ltd.
➤ UBS ,Investment Bank
➤ coal bistro & bar
➤ Singer (Thai song class)
➤ Refugees.
➤ Social Movement worker

Teaching style

The teacher will use various methods relying on students’ learning styles. This is to precisely motivate students’ passion to study, to use Thai language appropriately and be able to use knowledge for further study. Likewise, students will be able to get more understanding in Thai people’s social context and culture which is beneficial to daily communicate, do the business and make a smooth relationship.

สอนออนไลน์ คลองเตย จตุจักร จอมทอง ดอนเมือง ดินแดง ดุสิต ตลิ่งชัน ทวีวัฒนา ธนบุรี บางกรวย บางกอกน้อย บางกอกใหญ่ บางซื่อ บางพลัด บางรัก บางแค บางใหญ่ บุญถาวร ปิ่นเกล้า ปทุมวัน ป้อมปราบศัตรูพ่าย พญาไท พระนคร ภาษีเจริญ ราชเทวี วัฒนา ศาลายา สัมพันธวงศ์ หนองแขม ห้วยขวาง


When I started learning Thai i was struggling quite a lot but thanks to Kru Pook I was able to learn a lot and have fun while doing so. He paced his teaching perfectly to my learning abilities, helped me whenever i seemed to struggle a little and was all in all a wonderful teacher and now even a friend. Not only did I learn Thai language but also a lot about Thai culture and what Thai people value. When i told him bout my interests and dreams of my future carrier he was Teaching me terminology for said field and even arranged for me to meet Thai people that have worked in these fields. He is a passionate and kind soul and I he makes a wonderful Teacher that takes good care of his students. I would recommend him to all of my friends and more!

Anna · 23 ส.ค. 2022

Khru Pook helped me improve my Thai speaking and understanding of the language over a short period of time. He was able to explain clearly what I did not understand and to give examples of how various phases and words can be used. I certainly increased my Thai vocabulary during the time Khru Pook taught me. Was well worth the effort and time spent. Recently I have been on a weekly Language and Cultural Programme led by Khru Pook which allows me to practice some of my Thai language skills and learn more about the Thai and other Asian cultural. Khob khun kha Khru Pook for your patience and dedication to teaching and helping others.

Krue Pook helped me improve my Thai language over a short period · 23 ส.ค. 2022

Pook creates a relaxed and light-hearted learning environment, cultivating friendships and connections between fellow students. Very professional. Highly recommended.

Daisy Caudron - Teacher at KIS International school

Pook creates a really relaxed and fun learning environment. · 23 ส.ค. 2022

I can highly recommend to learn with Kru Pook. He is very professional, absolutely reliable and finds thousands of ways to motivate the people. He is very creative, friendly and understanding. Learning with him is great fun. Kob Kuhn Mak Krub, Kru Pook 🙏🙏🙏

Bob · 23 ส.ค. 2022