Hi , Myself A.Kanin Khaniyao or A.Richie graduate from University of Greenwich, London, UK. I am a Thai citizen have being teaching in many Univesity like Chiang Mai university, North-Chiangmai University, Pathumthani University and etc,. I teach in a fun way using activities base. My concept is student center, in my class I will let students express their knowledge and skills and I will top up and cope their ideas with the lesson as different people have different way of leaning. Hope to see you soon.

สอนออนไลน์ ดอนเมือง ตลิ่งชัน ธนบุรี บางกอกน้อย บางกอกใหญ่ ปทุมธานี ปากเกร็ด รังสิต

