- UCE Summer Scholarship (Canada) in 2012 with the 2nd highest score
- Lived in Victoria BC, Canada from 2013-2014
- 1.940 scores on SAT in 2015 : Reading 600, Math 750, Writing 590
- 101 scores on TOEFL in 2015
- Currently a second-year BBA student with an International Business major at Chulalongkorn University
- Fluent speaking and listening and pleasant writing skills

I have a passion for teaching. I believe knowledge is something to be shared and I would love to share my knowledge in English to others.

I believe in an outgoing and relaxed ways of teaching and learning. I am quite laid back and do not have many restrictions as to what to be taught. Therefore, I would mostly let the students choose the topics they would like to learn.

I wish to not only teach but also build friendships with my students.

I am open for any further suggestions or enquiries.

สอนออนไลน์ คลองสาน คลองเตย ดินแดง ดุสิต ธนบุรี บางกอกใหญ่ บางคอแหลม บางรัก ปทุมวัน ป้อมปราบศัตรูพ่าย พญาไท พระนคร ยานนาวา ราชเทวี ราษฎร์บูรณะ วัฒนา สัมพันธวงศ์ สาทร

