Hello, my name is Nadee! I am currently, 10 years old and I'm a girl. If you are worried if I can't speak Thai, well I can. I am now learning at an international school, and I have been learning English for the past four years, both in school, and in extracurricular activities. Even though, I'm a tutor, I would also make the classes that I teach in, fun. In classes that I teach, I would teach fluent and native English accents, spelling, phonics, reading fluently, and etc! I will try to teach students to not try to remember random things, but I will teach them to understand so that way, they won't forget them, but also, they won't be stressed out by trying to remember many things.

ตลิ่งชัน ทวีวัฒนา ธนบุรี บางกรวย บางกอกน้อย บางกอกใหญ่ บางพลัด บางแค ป้อมปราบศัตรูพ่าย พระนคร ภาษีเจริญ

